Have you watched the local news yet on the new "Fox5 San Diego?"
If not, don’t bother.
The show has more glitches than the Padres have had in 2008.
On Friday, Aug. 8, the evening news looked like a 1920 "B" movie in pantomime.
Kathleen Bade was talking, but you couldn’t hear the sound. The picture even went off for awhile; but when it came back on, still no sound.
That followed a weekday morning show when Chrissy Russo sounded like an echo while doing the weather. Arthel Neville had to take her microphone off then go over and hold it for Chrissy to be heard.
Speaking of Chrissy, that map she stands on while doing the weather has to go. And when she goes to a location where there is an accident then holds a "Slow" sign; that, too, has to be ditched.
Kathleen Bade, Chrissy Russo and Arthel Neville may be easy on the eyes ... but the Fox 5 news isn’t!
yeah, i've seen it; it's bad.
Fox 5 news couldn't get any better...the highlight of my day watching a show that is solid bloopers... horrible audio, poor camera angles, uninteresting subject matter, all kinds of construction background noises, non-stop apologies from the news casters for mistakes... simply delightful to watch.
Well actually if u go into the details and know that for the first time in sandiego history its a full hd station no tapes no anything old school.... all ran on servers and computer back up and before their was no news for 4 years and in 60 days of being told to start news installed all new equipment from the ground up equipment that no one has ever used before .....and for a staff that is brand new and starting from the ground up that was put togeather two weeks before u can assume will be ruff for the first two weeks but will be the prodominant news station with in the year. if ur standards are that high u must have some isues in life because u look back i doubt any news station starts out like u make your fantasy station to sound....and pluss name a station that starts from no news and takes new equipment and changes eveything to h.d and on top of it hires a new teem and the team does not come to geather as a full untill 2 weeks before......and on top of that jumps into it with a four hour morning show is imprssive so when your perfect station starts out flawless from day one i .......u will have my respect ......wow that was long.'
Sounds like anonymous who chimed in on August 15th has some association with this station and became offended by the criticism. The truth of the matter is, you have highly paid executives making decisions that they should be able to back up prior to going on the air. To begin a news program before being "on-air ready" is not only assinine, it is damaging to the reputation of the station and its staff and most probably will have long term repercussions. However, it's not just the snafus with the technologies; it's the embarrassing display of personal banter going back and forth. For example, while Jackie Winn was doing a segment on Olympic sports and was in a pool wearing a low cut bathing suit, Arthel Neville is back at the station singing, "She's a brickhouse." Unless they totally revamp their broadcast programing, they're not ever going to be anything more than a joke. How embarrassing for the locals to have out-of-towners turn on the television in their motel rooms and think that this is a true representation of San Diego. And finally, poor Chrissy Russo. What a disasterous, foolish career decision she made!
Yea, that was embarrassing with Jackie Winn this morning. I heard Arthel Neville tell Jackie on the air that she was "the talk of the newsroom" with her revealing swimsuit. Bad!
Watching it now... Arthel Neville seems solid. Some light banter, as you would want in a morning news show, and smooth delivery. Chrissy Russo is annoying and looks like Cheri Oteri. Not sure who her stylist is... pretty bad. I'll keep tuning in for Neville and Raoul Martinez, though. They have good chemistry.
Who cares? everyone watching it is half asleep-brushing their teeth anyways. They just started, give 'em a break. The chicks are sexy. Fuck it.
I like it. It's something different to watch and start my day to, especially since I have to get up so early for work. I like how laid back it is, and I like Neville. Have been a fan of hers since when she used to be on O'Reilly Factor.
been watching it for a couple weeks now... i like it... refreshing. i like arthel neville.
the first few shows were tough, well they still have some speed bumps. but they're hd and that's probably new for everyone. i think kathleen and kendis are funny, so i'll keep watching hoping that they'll fix the glitches.
Chrissy Russo's hot and I can't stop watching because of her. The rest of he show is a train wreck.
Fox 5 HD launched August 1. It's now October 4, and "Two and Half Men" video blacked out for quite a long time. The video in general is choppy, and Arthel Nevel looks lost when she does the morning show. Fox 5 San Diego is a piece of crap. I hate that it sucks so much. Channel 8 does HD just fine, so I don't know what the deal is. I like Chrissy Russo, too bad she's on the Oakland Raiders of networks.
Well, it's been a number of months and the Fox 5 Morning News is still no better. Low-grade "talent", horrible camera work, high-school news-like direction...
Arthel Neville has to be the least talented news anchor I've ever seen; her banter is terrible, sometimes bordering on inappropriate and she can't even read the prompter for crying out loud! How can she not be embarrassed for herself?
Jackie Nguyen is a mediocre-at-best reporter, but a terrible interviewer.
Chrissy Russo is a good meteorologist, but is still pretty high-strung and the "mega-map" reminds me of kindergarten play time, certainly taking away from her delivery...get rid of it.
I think Raoul Martinez is the best of this bunch. Sometimes I think even he seems embarrassed by all of the juvenile antics he has to be associated with!
I can see the value in attempting to attract a younger demographic with a morning program that is more fun, but surely one doesn't need to sacrifice quality (even in it's lowest forms) in order to achieve more fun. It's such a shame that Fox, in a market like San Diego can't do any better than this.
I love SanDiego Fox5 Morning News
Arthel Neville is very profesisonal while still bringing enough humor to make it interesting. Chrissy Russo is fun to watch and overall it is the best news in the morning. I have only been watching for the past couple of months, so maybe I missed the rough stuff, but they are definitely my favorite team to start my moring.
Jackie Nguyen is the WORST interviewer in the history of morning news. Watch how she doesn't even pay attention to what the person she is interviewing! She follows up with "Absolutely" when it doesn't even make sense! What a joke! Also, she ALWAYS says "here" and "there" in between sentences.
In general Fox 5 morning is a joke, they cannot even get audio and video right! C'mon guys i have you a pass when you first started, but 6 months later the same CRAP! ABSOLUTELY!
Arthel Nevel?! She is terrible and cant even read the teleprompter. The ONLY reason i watch the show isfor the weather and traffic...oh and Chrissy's short skirts and perky bosoms.
"Jackie Nguyen is the WORST interviewer in the history of morning news. Watch how she doesn't even pay attention to what the person she is interviewing! She follows up with "Absolutely" when it doesn't even make sense! What a joke! Also, she ALWAYS says "here" and "there" in between sentences."
from anonymous on Feb 9th 2009
WOOOO HOOOO, I just wrote into the station and told them that very same thing. Jackie is a joke, and I change the channel the minute they say "and up next is....." Raul is awesome and so is Shally who is there when Arthel is not. But by far Jackie is the WORST EVER
WOW!!! The poster that said Jackie was terrible is SOOOO right!!! She DID say "absolutely" after every interview! Get her off the show...PLEASE!
dont know if anyone knows this but the morning news cast is shredding up ratings and is getting pretty strong. things are looking up even though there are still a few glitches every now and then...and shally rocks!!!
The saving grace for the show is definitely Arthel Neville. I think the station is definitely lucky to have a heavy-hitter like her. When she's off, you definitely miss the weight she brings. I especially like her one-on-one interviews and her strengths definitely seem to lie in talking about financial stuff.
Raoul is fairly boring and mediocre at best. That being said, he is pleasant in a vanilla sort of way and seems happy to play the straight-man. It is pretty annoying, though, how much he talks about his wife...
Chrissy is pretty much annoying all the time and her forecasts seem to rarely make sense. She dresses like she just got in from the club. Also, its apparent that she doesn't know how to do weather graphics, and she even admitted on the air that she failed the meteorology exam recently, although she attributes it to accidentally sending in a reel with bloopers on it. Which in turn raises the question, aren't all of her forecasts bloopers?
"The saving grace for the show is definitely Arthel Neville. I think the station is definitely lucky to have a heavy-hitter like her. When she's off, you definitely miss the weight she brings. I especially like her one-on-one interviews and her strengths definitely seem to lie in talking about financial stuff."
What show are you watching?! She is terrible at reading the teleprompter and her banter with Rauol/Chrissy seems so awkward.
The best part of the show is Shally and the fact that they are in HD. Other than that, i just watch the weather and the traffic on the "world famous mega map". LOL
Totally agree! Arthel is great. Nice to have someone of her caliber in San Diego. Without her, the show would suck.
Hard to watch Chrissy and she seems totally all over the place and her weather forecasts make no sense. Its funny that she is listed as a meteorologist on the Fox 5 website, even though she mentioned on the air that she failed the test recently.
Shally comes off as a lightweight... no disrespect to her as she is new to the business and technically is a lightweight. Nonetheless, despite the fact that she adds little in terms of weight, she is pleasant and always happy.
I think its funny that they're calling Chrissy a meteorologist. I remember her talking on the air about not passing the test because she supposedly sent in a wrong reel. I seriously think she is medicated, and not too bright. And dresses in the pitch black... The other day she had on a brown mini skirt, pink sweater, red collared shirt, and some crazy looking shoes. FAIL
I think Shally is pleasant at times but annoying when she plays the sweet/coy/delicate-flower/sweet-as-pie character... You're a reporter. Give the viewer more information and less stunt/look-at-me reporting.
Raoul is pleasant, but fairly bland. Non-threatening and, at times, non-existent in terms of on-camera persona. A fairly weak interviewer, but comes off as pleasant and nice (in a vanilla sort of way).
I think Arthel is good. She balances the serious with the fun well, and seems to carry the show over the course of the 4 hours and set the tone. For the most part I like her interviews, and think she is strong. I'm surprised Fox 5 scored her when I saw her resume, but I see that she has done a lot for Fox News and Fox's national shows, so it seems that they called her in to launch and helm the new operation.
shally's rack is amazing!
"shally's rack is amazing!"
AGREEEEED!!! Just lovely!
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