Let’s see now:
You can stick a fork in the New England Patriots without Tom Brady.
The Indianapolis Colts looked horrible against the Chicago Bears, even with Peyton Manning.
The San Diego Chargers will miss greatly Shawne Merriman on an already beleaguered defense.
The Jacksonville Jaguars couldn’t even beat the Tennessee Titans in Week 1.
So who does that leave as the early frontrunner in the AFC?
How about the Pittsburgh Steelers …
Few people are talking about the Ben Roethlisberger-led Steelers; this less than three seasons after their Super Bowl victory.
But with all the “powerhouses” in the AFC falling around them, Pittsburgh could once again figure in the hunt at the end.
One week does not a season make … but it makes the once-dominating AFC seem like a weakened bunch in 2008.
Weekend Predictions:
Chargers 24, Denver 13
San Jose State 31, San Diego State 23
what about the jets with brett farve. bad oversite!
Hey, Bill Cowher agreed with you on CBS today. Of course he is the former coach of Pittsburgh.
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