Sometimes, it’s interesting to know what the average fan is saying.
Last weekend, a visitor from Blythe, Calif., told me what the numerous Oakland Raiders’ fans in his hometown are thinking.
“They’re just waiting for Al Davis to die,” he said.
As cruel as that is, Raider fans have come to realize that the game has long-since passed Davis by. He may be able to outline “wrongdoings” by fired coach Lane Kiffin in an attempt not to pay Kiffin, but the evil starts with Davis.
(Can you imagine how long it would take for someone to outline Davis’ wrongs over the past six years; such as Davis did with Kiffin yesterday?)
To start with, Davis has had five coaches over the past six seasons. Kiffin has the second “winningest” percentage among them with his 5-15 record. (Would you believe the “best” Raiders coach during that time was Norv Turner at 9-23?)
Heck, new Raiders interim coach Tom Cable had a worse winning percentage at the University of Idaho than Kiffin did with the Raiders.
Perhaps Terrell Davis put it best on the NFL Network.
“I don’t think anybody in his right mind would want to coach the Raiders,” the former Denver Broncos star said.
Speaking of, Davis still owes current Broncos coach Mike Shanahan money from when Shanahan (like Kiffin) was supposedly fired with cause in the mid -1990s by Davis.
As Davis continues to seek what is ailing the Raiders, the best advice is for him to take a long, long look in the mirror.
Last weekend, a visitor from Blythe, Calif., told me what the numerous Oakland Raiders’ fans in his hometown are thinking.
“They’re just waiting for Al Davis to die,” he said.
As cruel as that is, Raider fans have come to realize that the game has long-since passed Davis by. He may be able to outline “wrongdoings” by fired coach Lane Kiffin in an attempt not to pay Kiffin, but the evil starts with Davis.
(Can you imagine how long it would take for someone to outline Davis’ wrongs over the past six years; such as Davis did with Kiffin yesterday?)
To start with, Davis has had five coaches over the past six seasons. Kiffin has the second “winningest” percentage among them with his 5-15 record. (Would you believe the “best” Raiders coach during that time was Norv Turner at 9-23?)
Heck, new Raiders interim coach Tom Cable had a worse winning percentage at the University of Idaho than Kiffin did with the Raiders.
Perhaps Terrell Davis put it best on the NFL Network.
“I don’t think anybody in his right mind would want to coach the Raiders,” the former Denver Broncos star said.
Speaking of, Davis still owes current Broncos coach Mike Shanahan money from when Shanahan (like Kiffin) was supposedly fired with cause in the mid -1990s by Davis.
As Davis continues to seek what is ailing the Raiders, the best advice is for him to take a long, long look in the mirror.
What's wrong with Al Davis owning the Raiders? He's great for us Charger fans!
It is such a shame to see a man like Davis ruining his football legacy. For a man who was part of bringing the AFL and its many innovations and changes to the game fall to the level that he has is truly sad. He has gone from innovator to instigator against his own team and coaches. He dismisses every coach with cause trying to save money that he promised to pay these coaches. I guess his word is no longer any good as his contracts are worth the paper they are written on since he dismissed Kiffen and Shanahan " with cause" just to save some coin.
We just want Al to move on, not out of this world!!!!!
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